The English language is full of idioms – phrases we use to mean something other than their literal meaning. Here we have some phrases and idioms about time and the passing of time. You may not be surprised to find that many of them talk about how quickly time passes – isn’t that always the case?
We already have other lists of idioms for the past, present and future, so the following ‘time idioms’ are ones which didn’t fit into any of those categories.
We’ve included definitions and examples for each one so you can see how to use them correctly.

Time idioms
A question / matter of time
If we say something is a question of time or a matter of time, it means it is inevitable. It is sure to happen at some point in the future.
“It’s only a matter of time before someone trips over that broken paving stone.”
“Suzie and Tom will definitely get engaged one day. It’s just a question of time.”
See also: Sometime vs some time
About time
The idiom about time is used to say that it’s the right time for something to happen, or that it should have happened long ago.
“It’s about time I started getting dinner ready.”
“It’s about time women’s sports were taken more seriously.”
When spoken, there is usually more emphasis on the phrase when the latter meaning is intended. When written, it’s down to you to determine the meaning from the context.
A sign of the times
This one is actually an idiom from the Bible. A sign of the times is something that represents or signifies the current period in time, usually in a negative way.
“People never seem to smile at strangers anymore. I suppose it’s just a sign of the times.”
See also: Anymore vs any more
Once in a blue moon
Once in a blue moon means very rarely or almost never.
“He tidies his bedroom once in a blue moon.”
This time idiom has quite complex origins, which you can read more about here.
Ahead of time
If you do something ahead of time, it means it is complete before the deadline or with plenty of time to spare.
“Aim to complete your tasks ahead of time to allow for complications.”
“I always buy Christmas presents ahead of time to avoid the last-minute rush.”
In the dead of night
This night idiom doesn’t refer to a specific time, but just generally to the time of night when people are sleeping and the world is quiet. It’s often the case that things that happen in the dead of night are illicit, illegal, or spooky.
“Why is there a man in our front yard in the dead of night?!”
It’s a good example of a scary idiom to use, perhaps at Halloween or when telling ghost stories.
Behind the times
Someone who is behind the times is old-fashioned and not up-to-date with modern technology, practices, or views.
“My mother is rather behind the times; she still thinks fax machines are a good idea!”
You might say that such a person needs to get with the times.
A whale of a time
If you’re having a whale of a time, you are really enjoying yourself and having an exceptionally fun experience.
“The kids had a whale of a time at Ben’s birthday party.”
Find some more idioms with animals here.
Time on your hands
If you have time on your hands you have some spare time with nothing in particular to do.
“It’s rare for me to have too much time on my hands now I have three children.”
Call it a day / night
If you call it a day, you stop what you are doing for that day. We use the time idiom call it a night in the same way.
“If your back starts to hurt you should call it a day.”
“You look tired. Why don’t you switch off the TV and call it a night?”
Once you call it a night, you can use one of these sleep idioms to talk about going to bed.
Nearer the time
The phrase nearer the time refers to a point in time closer to when a particular event or occasion will be happening. You would usually use this when planning ahead for something.
“I need to buy flowers for my mother’s birthday, but I’ll arrange them nearer the time.”
“Let’s meet up for lunch on the 20th. We’ll decide where to go nearer the time.”

Expressions to say you don’t have much time
If you don’t have a lot of time, one of the most common ways to express this is to say that you are short on time or short for time. Here are some other time idioms to use if you are in this situation:
Cutting it fine
When you only just leave yourself enough time to do something, we say you are cutting it fine.
“The meeting starts at 1pm. Aren’t you cutting it a bit fine if you catch the 12:30 train?”
Beat the clock
To beat the clock is to complete a task or succeed at something before the deadline or allotted time is up, usually with only a little time to spare.
“They were set a strict deadline and had to work hard to beat the clock.”
Pressed / pushed / strapped for time
If you are pressed, pushed, or strapped for time it means you are in a hurry.
“Sorry I can’t stay and chat; I’m strapped for time today.”
“I think I’ll be pushed for time if I try to join the 6:30 class after work.”
All three of these have exactly the same meaning so you can use them interchangeably. Some idioms about stress can help you describe how you’re feeling in this situation.
Time is of the essence
When time is of the essence it means that time is limited and deadlines need to be met.
“You need to work quickly! Time is of the essence if we want to keep our customers happy!”
At the eleventh hour
When something happens at the eleventh hour, it happens at the last possible moment – almost too late.
“I handed my report in at the eleventh hour.”
In the nick of time
Similarly, in the nick of time is another way to say just in time or at the last possible moment.
“We got there in the nick of time after being stuck in traffic.”
Don’t confuse this with in the nick which is a colloquial term for in jail.
Against the clock
Doing something against the clock means you have less time than you really need to complete the task.
“I feel like I’m constantly working against the clock in this job.”
In the middle of something
To be in the middle of something means that you are occupied by it, or it needs your attention right now. Therefore, you probably don’t want to be disturbed. You can use this phrase exactly as it is, or change ‘something’ to the thing you are doing.
“I can’t talk right now; I’m in the middle of something. Can I call you back in an hour?”
“Don’t interrupt Mum when she’s in the middle of a meeting.”
“We had to leave in the middle of the party because Jay felt sick.”
You can read more about in the center vs middle on a separate page.
A race against time
This time idiom has a similar meaning but is used in a slightly different way. If you do something in a race against time, you must rush to get it finished in time.
“It’s going to be a race against time to get all these cupcakes iced ready for the party.”
Idioms about time passing
Kill time
To kill time is to do something not very interesting or useful while waiting for time to pass.
“They arrived early and had to kill time before the show started.”
We also talk about having time to kill. It’s optional to specify the amount of time.
“I have two hours to kill before lunchtime.”
“What would you recommend I do with time to kill while I wait for my train?”
In the blink of an eye
Something that happens in the blink of an eye is extremely quick.
“I feel like my teenage years passed in the blink of an eye.”
This time idiom is a metaphorical way of saying something happens very fast. We have some more fast idioms and expressions on a separate page if you’re interested, and you can read more about metaphors vs idioms here.
Here today, gone tomorrow
We use the saying here today, gone tomorrow to refer to something that appears or exists only for a short time.
“The high street is full of shops that are here today, gone tomorrow.”
Bide your time
To bide your time is to wait patiently for a good opportunity.
“I would love to go on holiday but I’ll have to bide my time until I’ve saved enough.”
Time flies (when you’re having fun)
The phrase time flies expresses surprise at how quickly time passes.
“I can’t believe it’s been 3 years since I last saw you. How time flies!”
We often lengthen it to time flies when you’re having fun.
“Is it really 11pm already? Well, time flies when you’re having fun!”
And that’s it for this list of time idioms. We hope you find them helpful. If you can think of any other idioms to talk about time in English then leave a comment below. You may also find it useful to browse some transition words for time and sequencing.
For now, let’s call it a day.