Not sure what to say at your next social event? No problem. These energetic party idioms will help you talk about parties, explain how you’re feeling, and describe the people attending.
Using English idioms in the right way is just as important as using them naturally. Make sure you understand the popular idioms about parties here to feel more confident.

Party idioms
Get the party started
Let’s start this fun list of party idioms with a positive one. When you want to confirm something or get something going, you could say let’s get the party started. It’s a fun way of saying ‘let’s do this’, ‘let’s get it done’, or ‘let’s get going’.
“I’m ready so let’s get this party started.”
This is such a common party expression you may have heard it used in music like Pink’s song Get The Party Started. In this case she was referring to starting a real party.
However, as an idiom it can be used to talk about any kind of event or project, as long as the setting is not too formal or sombre. You wouldn’t want to say it at a funeral, for example; one of these idioms about death would be more appropriate.
A party piece
It’s important that everyone has a party piece. It is something you can do or perform at a party to entertain people. It could be a song, dance, circus skill or something unique your body can do!
“Everyone needs to see James’ party piece. He loves to show off his ventriloquist skills.”
The life and soul of the party
Everyone knows someone who is the life and soul of the party. This is the fun, energic person who is always great to be around and very amusing at parties. They can help lift the atmosphere and make it a memorable event.
“You just have to invite Sammy and Wendy. They are the life and soul of the party every time.”
This also features on our list of life idioms.
Party hearty (also party hardy)
Although the adjectives in these party expressions have different meanings, the two idioms generally have the same meaning. To party hardy or party hearty is to have a great time at a lively celebration.
“It’s been a look week so I’m ready to party hearty tonight.”
If you wanted to nit-pick about the slight difference in meaning, you could say that to ‘party hardy’ should really mean to be bold and withstand tough conditions (e.g. bad weather), whereas to ‘party hearty’ should really mean to party with good health.
In reality, though, most native speakers will not differentiate between these meanings. They might also go with the shorter version, party hard.
Party pooper
At the other end of the party idioms scale is a party pooper. This is the person who isn’t any fun at the party. They don’t wish to embrace the atmosphere or join in with any games or activities.
“Oh she’s never much fun. Why did you invite her? She’s such a party pooper!”
It’s worth noting that a party pooper could also be the person that has to bring reason and a level head to the party. For example, they may need to remind people to keep the noise down or that it’s time to go home.
Crash a party
If you want to attend a party but haven’t been invited, no problem! Simply crash the party. This means that you turn up without an invitation and hope you will be allowed to join. It’s easier to do at a large event like a house party.
“I don’t care if I wasn’t officially invited. I’m going to crash the party anyway.”
Of course, you need to judge whether it is appropriate to do this. Some hosts may not mind at all, whereas others may ask you to leave.
Party animal
Similar to the earlier expression ‘the life and soul of the party’, a party animal is someone who really enjoys parties and having a good time. With that said, it may also be used in a negative way to refer to someone who parties too much.
“He went out every night last week. He is such a party animal.”
Idioms are a fun way of describing people, and even more fun when using animals as a comparison.
To throw a party
When you decide to host a party or have a party, you can announce it my saying you’d like to throw a party.
“I can’t believe we have finally settled into our new home. I think it’s time to throw a house warming party!”
“We’re going to throw a party while our parents are out of town.”

More party expressions
Not all party idioms contain the word ‘party’. Here are some other phrases that will help you talk about what goes on at these events.
Let your hair down
To let your hair down is to relax, enjoy life, and have fun without worrying about what others say. You might say this to someone who is feeling stressed and needs to forget about their troubles for a while.
“You studied so hard for the exam! Now it’s time to relax, enjoy the party and let your hair down.”
Dancing on the ceiling
Originally a lyric from a Lionel Richie song, nowadays it means to be having such a good time it’s almost like dancing on the ceiling. A similar expression is dancing on air. They both describe a euphoric, joyful feeling.
“It was such a good party we were dancing on the ceiling”
We have some more dance idioms here for you to discover.
Have a whale of a time
Speaking of good times; at the next party when you’re enjoying yourself greatly, why not say you’re having a whale of a time.
“This place is fantastic. I’m having a whale of a time.”
There are lots of other expressions to talk about happiness and enjoyment which you could use in this situation.
Paint the town red
This informal phrase could be used when you’re ready to go out, have fun and drink alcohol with friends. Normally you would be referring to a night out in a town centre visiting bars, pubs and nightclubs.
“I’ve had my nails done and bought a new dress. I’m ready to paint the town red.”
Interested in why we paint the town red and not any other colour? Or where this saying comes from? Perhaps this will help.
Social butterfly
If you’re looking for a descriptive expression for someone who is charismatic and good in any social situation, you may call them a social butterfly. This is someone who networks well and mixes with others with ease.
“My wife is fantastic at any party as she’s a bit of a social butterfly.”
The more the merrier
We say the more the merrier to indicate that anyone is welcome to an event or occasion. It means that the more people come, the better it will be.
“Yes, of course you can bring your roommates – the more the merrier!”
You can use this party expression to offer an open invitation when you host a party (but be prepared for people to turn up uninvited!). This one also appears on our list of Christmas idioms.
A wild child
A wild child is similar to a party animal, but this phrase is often used to describe a younger person. It may also not just be related to how they party, but in fact any kind of behavior that gets out of control.
“All I have to say is that after midnight he turned into a bit of a wild child!”
Fashionably late
Do you know someone who always turns up late to parties, perhaps on purpose so as to gain attention or seem more important? You could describe them as being fashionably late.
“The party started two hours ago… Looks like we’ll be fashionably late!”
There are many other fashion idioms that are actually about clothes and looking good.
Billy no-mates
Perhaps not really an idiom but this very common and popular British English slang refers to someone who has no friends (mates). It’s usually said in an affectionate way rather than with the intention of hurting somebody’s feelings.
“Oh no, look at Dave on his own. Let’s go talk to him as he looks like a Billy no-mates!”
Did this list of party idioms help you be the life and soul of the party, or do you still feel like a bit of a party pooper?
Leave a comment and let us know if you can think of any more we should include. Also check out some music idioms if you’d like to keep expanding your vocabulary along this theme.