These fun ‘Never have I ever’ questions for kids are a great way to get them thinking, develop their listening and communication skills, and build stronger relationships through shared ideas.
We have included a mixture of funny Never have I ever questions for kids along with some that are more thought-provoking, imaginative, and even mischievous. So, take your pick and have some fun with them!
How to play ‘Never have I ever’ with kids
If you’ve only ever played the adult version of this game, which typically involves alcohol, here’s a quick rundown of how to adapt it for kids.
First of all, you can play a super simple version with no scoring. Just get the kids to raise their hand for a ‘yes’, or create ‘I have’ and ‘Never’ paddles that they can hold up. This works well with younger kids who are just getting used to the game.
If you wish to introduce some kind of scoring with these kids Never have I ever questions, here are a couple of options:
- Keep track with fingers: Have each kid hold out 5 or 10 fingers. For each thing that they have done, they must fold down one finger. Once all your fingers are folded down, you are out. The last one left is the winner!
- Food as a forfeit: Each player has 10 pieces of food on a plate – it could be fruit chunks, small candies, dried fruit, chips, etc. When they answer a question with ‘I have’, they must eat one of the pieces of food. The last player with food left on their plate is the winner!

Funny Never have I ever questions for kids
- Never have I ever accidentally called someone by the wrong name.
- Never have I ever skipped a homework assignment.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep during a movie.
- Never have I ever created a secret code to communicate with friends.
- Never have I ever pretended to be sick to avoid doing chores.
- Never have I ever built a fort in the woods.
- Never have I ever fallen off a chair.
- Never have I ever farted in public and blamed someone else.
- Never have I ever eaten something gross on a dare.
- Never have I ever told a joke that no one laughed at.
- Never have I ever gotten into a food fight.
- Never have I ever gone to bed with dirty teeth.
- Never have I ever created a potion with magical powers.
- Never have I ever drawn on someone’s face while they were sleeping.
- Never have I ever forgotten my homework at home.
- Never have I ever accidentally worn mismatched shoes.
- Never have I ever eaten a whole bag of candy in one sitting.
- Never have I ever tried to play a musical instrument and failed miserably.
- Never have I ever accidentally worn my clothes inside out.
- Never have I ever pretended to be a fairy and granted wishes.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard that I peed my pants.
- Never have I ever tripped and fallen in public.
- Never have I ever pretended to know the answer to a question I didn’t know in class.
- Never have I ever pretended to be a ghost and scared someone.
- Never have I ever picked my nose and eaten it.
- Never have I ever accidentally walked into the wrong bathroom.
- Never have I ever accidentally put on my shoes on the wrong feet.
- Never have I ever searched for hidden treasure.
- Never have I ever worn an item of clothing inside out.
- Never have I ever put a whoopee cushion on someone’s chair.
- Never have I ever accidentally worn odd socks.
- Never have I ever broken a plate or glass.
- Never have I ever had a pillow fight.
- Never have I ever tried to play a prank on someone and it backfired.
- Never have I ever accidentally set off a fire alarm.
- Never have I ever gotten lost in a store.
- Never have I ever solved a mystery.
- Never have I ever accidentally broken something valuable.
- Never have I ever hurt myself while trying to do a stunt.
- Never have I ever eaten something so spicy that I couldn’t handle it.
See also: Would you rather questions for kids – another fun and spontaneous game to play!
- Never have I ever tried to play a sport and completely sucked at it.
- Never have I ever shared a lollipop with someone.
- Never have I ever pretended to be someone else just for fun.
- Never have I ever sung out of tune when other people were listening.
- Never have I ever put salt in the sugar jar.
- Never have I ever pranked someone with a fake spider.
- Never have I ever tried to do a magic trick and failed.
- Never have I ever accidentally broken something while trying to show off.
- Never have I ever accidentally dropped my phone in the toilet.
- Never have I ever tried to dance and made a complete fool of myself.
- Never have I ever used someone else’s toothbrush.
- Never have I ever tried to cook something and it turned out inedible.
- Never have I ever accidentally spilled something all over myself in public.
- Never have I ever accidentally sent a message to the wrong person on social media.
- Never have I ever snuck a cookie before dinner.
- Never have I ever pretended to be a wizard and cast a spell.
- Never have I ever told a little white lie.
- Never have I ever called a teacher ‘Mom’ or ‘Dad’.
- Never have I ever played a prank on a sibling or friend.
- Never have I ever hidden something from my parents.
- Never have I ever eaten something that I found on the ground.
- Never have I ever snuck out of the house after bedtime.
- Never have I ever stolen something, even if it was just a small item.
- Never have I ever lied about my age.
- Never have I ever cheated on a test or quiz.
- Never have I ever copied someone else’s homework.
- Never have I ever stolen a toy from a friend.
- Never have I ever fallen asleep in class.
- Never have I ever lied to get out of trouble.
- Never have I ever had a bad haircut.
Looking for some more fun games to play with kids? The Telephone Game is a great one to test their listening, concentration, and memory. Check out some telephone game phrases if you need ideas.
- Never have I ever played a prank on a teacher.
- Never have I ever taken something without asking permission.
- Never have I ever eaten a bug.
- Never have I ever worn the same underwear for more than two days in a row.
- Never have I ever lied to my parents about finishing my homework.
- Never have I ever eaten food that fell on the ground.
- Never have I ever pretended to be sick to skip school.
- Never have I ever peed in a swimming pool.
- Never have I ever eaten something that was expired.
- Never have I ever accidentally spit while talking.
- Never have I ever made a prank call.
- Never have I ever stuck gum under a desk or chair.
- Never have I ever broken something and pretended it wasn’t me.
- Never have I ever licked a battery to see what it feels like.
- Never have I ever eaten something that was still frozen.
If your kids love this kind of interaction, we have some more great toys and games for kids to learn English here.
Benefits of these Never have I ever kids questions
‘Never have I ever’ is a great game to play with kids as it is fun, it doesn’t require any preparation or equipment, and it develops a number of important skills:
- Communication skills: The game requires kids to articulate their experiences, thoughts, and feelings in a clear and concise manner.
- Listening skills: In order for kids to play ‘Never have I ever’ effectively, they must actively listen to each other’s statements in order to determine whether they have done something or not.
- Social skills: The game provides an opportunity for kids to interact with each other in a fun and lighthearted way, which can help them build friendships and develop social skills.
- Creative thinking: When posed with a ‘Never have I ever’ question, kids are encouraged to come up with imaginative scenarios and experiences, which can help develop their creativity and problem-solving skills.
- Decision-making: During a game of ‘Never have I ever’, kids must decide how much they are willing to reveal in front of their friends, peers, or family members.
So, next time you have a few minutes to kill or you need an icebreaker for a kids’ party, make sure you have some of these funny Never have I ever questions for kids up your sleeve. You may be surprised at some of the answers they come out with!
If Christmas is approaching, you may also want to check out our Never have I ever Christmas questions for kids.